At Grace Community Church, our calling and ministry aren't over when we leave the church building.  In fact, that's just the start!  We are a church that takes seriously both the privilege and responsibility we have as Christ's ambassadors to a fallen world.  This calling is seen in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) given by Jesus before he went up to heaven.  It is a calling that reminds us that our "mission field" is wherever God has placed us - amongst the friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and other peers he has already brought into our life.  But as a church, we also recognize the great need around the world to spread the good news of the gospel of Christ.  We have therefore partnered in this great work with the following missionaries and organizations through our prayers and financial giving.   If you have any questions about our missionaries or would like more information on how you can personally support them, please e-mail us at